Joya's Tutoring & Consulting Hub, LLC

Where Frustration Turns Into Curiosity & Understanding

Frequently Asked Questions

Have any questions? Check below to see if we've answered them!

By how much can I expect grades or scores to increase by?

At Joya's Tutoring & Consulting Hub, we pride ourselves on our high quality tutors. We've helped students raise their scores by 10 to 20 percentage points, or 1 to 2 letter grades.

What is the purpose of the introduction call?

We truly care about the success of all students and we know that to have that success, you need the right tutor. This call allows both parties to see if we're right for each other. Even if we don't think we're the right match, we'll let you know what kind of support your student needs, and provide you with possible tutors for you to go to or what questions you need to ask of them.

What do I need to bring to the introduction call?

For the call, bring a writing utensil, a notepad, and any questions that you may have about our tutoring services. We even encourage you to ask your student for a few questions so that we can answer them!

How do I get a tutor?

Once you have signed up for one of our package deals, you then have the opportunity of selecting your tutor. Please keep in mind that if you want the same tutor week to week, it is best if you schedule your sessions with us in advance. In case the tutor you chose does not fit well with your student, please let us know and we'll make accommodations to the best of our ability.

What subjects are available for tutoring?

As of October 2024, we have STEM-related fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) available for middle school students.

Why don't you have more a la carte or one-off sessions?

Great question - according to research, as well as our collective experience as tutors and teachers, one-off sessions don't allow for students to build up success in the long term. This is especially true in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many students are behind - academically, socially, emotionally, and more - and are having a hard time catching up. That's why we offer the packages. While it may seem costly, research has shown that students who get private tutoring are able to catch up to their peers who may be a year ahead of them!

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